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美國爵士樂歌王[小亨利康尼克]─[Promise Me You'll Remember/答應我你會記住]
2019/01/15 12:27:33瀏覽231|回應0|推薦7

美國爵士樂歌王[小亨利康尼克]──電影[教父第三集]主題曲──[Promise Me Youll Remember/答應我你會記住]


Promise me youll remember

This love together today

We may not have tomorrow

Its not for us to say

Fate isnt kind to lovers

It breaks the hardest hearts

Promise youll remember

How good we are


Why do I find the sadness

Under your sweetest kiss

Destiny seems to whisper

It wont stay like this


Whenever were together

I feel time standing still

I only know I love you

And I always will

If we should lose each other

Somewhere inside the dark

Promise me youll remember

How good we are


Whenever were together

I feel time standing still

I only know I love you

And I always will

If we should lose each other

Somewhere inside the dark

Promise me youll remember

How good we are


Time isnt kind to lovers

It breaks the hardest hearts

Promise me youll remember

How good we are


1990年12月 好萊塢的派拉蒙公司推出美國義裔導演法蘭西斯·柯波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)執導的黑幫電影[The Godfather Part III/教父第三集]

評價好壞兩極,票房僅得中上, 明顯不如前兩集

電影原聲帶專輯由法蘭西斯•柯波拉製作, 他的父親──作曲家卡明卡波拉與義大利作曲家Nino Rota譜寫

大碟的主題情歌[Promise Me Youll Remember (Love Theme from The Godfather Part III)/答應我你會記住]由卡明卡波拉譜曲, John Bettis填詞, Lennie Niehaus編曲


並邀來走紅不久的22歲美國俊帥爵士歌手/鋼琴手小亨利•康尼克(Harry Connick Jr.)獻聲

小亨利以他醇厚的男低音輕吟, 洋溢著浪漫氛圍

Promise Me Youll Remember]先提名金球獎最佳原創歌曲(以作者卡明卡波拉&John Bettis名義)


這是康尼克繼[It Had to Be You]後又一首電影歌曲佳作


Album Version



MV( Single Version)






( 休閒生活音樂 )
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