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澳洲歌壇巨星[奧莉薇亞紐頓-強]&美國影壇天王[約翰屈伏塔]─[Summer Nights]
2018/10/06 00:06:49瀏覽482|回應0|推薦12

澳洲歌壇巨星[奧莉薇亞.紐頓-強]&美國影壇天王[約翰屈伏塔]──〔火爆浪子〕電影插曲──大賣復古流行曲──[Summer Nights/夏夜]


Summer lovin, had me a blast

Summer lovin, happened so fast

I met a girl crazy for me

Met a boy cute as can be


Summer days drifting away

To uh, oh those summer nights


Oh well, oh well, oh well oh, uh

Tell me more, tell me more

Did you get very far?

Tell me more, tell me more

Like does he have a car?


She swam by me, she got a cramp

He ran by me, got my suit damp

I saved her life, she nearly drowned

He showed off splashing around


Summer sun, somethings begun

But uh, oh those summer nights


Oh well, oh well, oh well oh, uh

Tell me more, tell me more

Was it love at first sight?

Tell me more, tell me more

Did she put up a fight?


Took her bowling in the arcade

We went strolling, drank lemonade

We made out under the dock

We stayed out till ten oclock


Summer fling dont mean a thing

But uh, oh those summer nights


Tell me more, tell me more

But you dont gotta brag

Tell me more, tell me more

Cause he sounds like a drag


He got friendly holding my hand

Well, she got friendly down in the sand

He was sweet, just turned eighteen

Well, she was good, you know what I mean


Summer heat, boy and girl meet

But uh, oh those summer nights


Tell me more, tell me more

How much dough did he spend?

Tell me more, tell me more

Could she get me a friend?


It turned colder, thats where it ends

So I told her wed still be friends

Then we made our true love vow

Wonder what shes doin now


Summer dreams ripped at the seams

But, oh, those summer nights


Tell me more, tell me more

Songwriters: Warren Casey, Jim Jacobs

Summer Nights lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.


1978年6月 澳/英籍歌壇巨星奧莉薇亞.紐頓-強(Olivia Newton-John)與約翰屈伏塔(John Travolta)主演改編自百老匯音樂劇〔Grease/火爆浪子〕的同名歌舞愛情喜劇電影上映

評價良好 票房更是大賣 在美國本土賣出1億8875萬美元 海外2億620萬美元

全球近4億美元的驚人數字(加上通貨膨脹 1978年幣值是2013年數倍)


紐頓強提名獲得金球獎女主角 原聲帶相當暢銷

登上英美冠軍 美國至今賣出八百多萬張 

奧莉薇亞個人演唱的〔Hopelessly Devoted to You〕也提名奧斯卡原創歌曲

紐頓強的音樂事業也跟片中女主角一樣 從玉女轉向性感路線



大獲好評 登上英美各國排行榜冠軍 美國銷售逾1400萬張(但只認證8白金)


第二單曲為紐頓-強與屈伏塔合唱的〔You’r The One That I Want/你就是我要的〕

登上英美等各地流行榜冠軍 全球至今賣出1500萬張+

第四主打仍是紐頓-強與屈伏塔主唱, 其他演員合音的[Summer Nights/夏夜](Olivia Newton-John,John Travolta&Cast)

此曲由Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey譜寫

Louis St. Louis製作成一首復古流行曲, 節奏輕快



[Summer Nights]依舊受到歡迎, 登上美國單曲榜#5 賣出一百萬張以上 拿到金唱片(1978年終#69)

副榜──Easy Listening榜#21

英國登上冠軍 至今賣出160多萬張 拿到白金唱片(已有2白金資格)

年終排名季軍(亞軍〔You’r The One That I Want〕)


此曲加上〔You’r The One That I Want〕 總共在當年英國王稱霸16週


荷蘭/比利時/愛爾蘭冠軍 紐西蘭/加拿大#3(75000+, 金唱片) 德國#4


1990年底 結合此曲的[The Grease Megamix]登上英國榜#3 澳洲(年終#3)/西班牙冠軍 其它地區也熱門, 讓新一代聽眾重新認識此曲









Studio Version



Festival de Viña del Mar 2017



The Grease Megamix


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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