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英國搖滾巨星[史汀]─Ska/雷鬼流行曲─[Love Is The Seventh Wave/愛是第七波浪]
2017/12/02 00:47:08瀏覽454|回應0|推薦4

英國搖滾巨星[史汀]──Ska/雷鬼/流行曲──[Love Is The Seventh Wave/愛是第七波浪]

In the empire of the senses
Youre the queen of all you survey
All the cities all the nation
Everything that falls your way
There is a deeper world than this
That you dont understand
There is a deeper world that this
Tugging at your hand
Every ripple on the ocean
Every leaf on every tree
Every sand dune in the desert
Every power we never see
There is a deeper wave than this
Swelling in the world
There is a deeper wave than this
Listen to me girl
Feel it rising in the cities
Feel it sweeping over land
Over borders, over frontiers
Nothing will its power withstand
There is no deeper wave than this
Rising in the world
There is no deeper wave than this
Listen to me girl
All the bloodshed all the anger
All the weapons all the greed
All the armies all the missiles
All the symbols of that fear
There is a deeper wave than this
Rising in the world
There is a deeper wave than this
Listen to me girl
At the still point of destruction
At the center of the fury
All the angels all the devils
All around us cant you see
There is a deeper wave than this
Rising in the land
There is a deeper wave than this
Nothing will withstand
I say love is the seventh wave

Songwriters: GORDON SUMNER

Love Is The Seventh Wave lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


1985年6月 34歲半的英國搖滾樂團警察(The Police)主唱史汀(Sting)發行首張個人創作大碟[The Dreams of the Blue Turtle/藍龜之夢

融合搖滾與爵士 受到樂評讚賞

在全球各地皆獲得不錯反應(英國殿軍/雙白金, 美國亞軍/三白金)

首支單曲[If You Love Somebody Set Them Free]登上英國榜#26 美國榜#3



1985年8月 史汀推出第二主打[Love Is The Seventh Wave/愛是第七波浪]

此曲由他譜寫, 史汀與Peter Smith共同製作

是首融合斯卡/Ska, 雷鬼與流行的歌曲

在慵懶的慢板節拍中, 流鏤出一股牙買加的加勒比海歡愉氛圍


MV, 史汀飾演一名小學教師,現實生活上,他還真當過學校好師

Love Is The Seventh Wave]登上英國榜#26


國際地區:荷蘭#10 愛爾蘭#25 法國#30 澳洲#57








Album Version



Montreux Pop Festival (1985)



Frankfurt 1985


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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