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2009/04/09 06:21:12瀏覽1068|回應0|推薦3

我家老大, 在家要說二種語言(華語和拉脫維亞語), 聽父母親的英語, 還要在幼稚園說瑞典語. 其實, 真的是難為了他.

最近, 他滿四歲了. 在隆德的Vårdcentr(區域診所)便寄來要他去做四歲的健康檢查, 還附上二張問卷(一張要父母填寫, 另一張要由幼稚園填寫), 題目大致是他是否可自行大小便, 是否有過敏症狀, 是否適應幼稚園或喜歡幼稚園的生活, 最後一題是: 他是否可以容易地和同年齡的小孩交談?

這最後一題, 我們一時還不知怎麼回答. 我問我先生, [你覺得我家大少可以用拉脫維亞語和在拉脫維亞的小朋友溝通嗎?] 我先生一如往常嚴厲的採用高標, [在拉脫維亞的小朋友應該不知道他在說什麼吧?] 我心想, 你就對你兒子這麼沒信心嗎?

我先生也反問了我這問題, 我回答:[如果他回台灣待個幾個月, 應該可以溝通自如. 我覺得他的中文很好!]

那麼, 瑞典語呢?

後來, 我把問卷拿給幼稚園老師-Jessica, 也順便問問她的感覺. Jessica說:[馬大少在幼稚園和老師同學互動溝通都沒問題, 而且, 同時學習二種以上語言的小朋友, 本來就要給他更長的時間來適應不同的語言.]  Jessica老師要我下週來拿問卷.

當我看到問卷時, 嚇了一跳. 原來的問卷仍維持空白, 她又另外以瑞典文和英文打字, 寫了一段陳述, 要我拿給健檢護士看. 如下文:

In the preschool curriculum it’s stated that the schools activities and not the child be assessed. Therefore we avoid all forms of lists checking the child and have difficulty answering your questions.


Instead our starting point is the curriculum that has goals to strive towards and with them in mind continuously observe the children and our activities. We try not to put a label on a child stating that he or she is in a certain way for example shy, unconcern rated or creative. Instead we try to see each child in different situations and find their different interest and abilities. We try to challenge their development and encourage them to take a step forward.

We show what our school offers each child and how they learn, play, have fun and develop at the preschool.

Are groups are of an adequate size and with a good ratio of teachers which means that all children are “seen”. All the teachers are educated and several have many years experience so that if a child should need extra help with language, motorics or with relationships with the other children this is noticed and we take necessary actions.

大意是我們這個幼稚園會避免以這種方法來評估小朋友的各方面能力, 而會協助小朋友發揮自己的長處.

哇! 果然不同凡響! 酷! 不會去因應制式的體制, 有自己的想法和方法, 難怪瑞典這個社會會培養許多優秀有創意的企業和人才.

目前為止, 我對我家馬大少, 心懷敬佩. 他在幼稚園被其它小朋友欺侮, 並沒有回家告狀. (是同學來告狀或者是老師告訴我) 也沒有因為要用四種語言而有所抱怨. 一直以來, 他比其它小朋友還努力的學習來適應不同的語言環境. 甚至, 我感激他, 對媽媽的話, 都放在心裡. 某個程度, 我覺得他比我還堅強. 對他, 我真的覺得好驕傲!

只有一點, 他何時可以停止欺負馬二少呢? 

( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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