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Due to schedule and technical problems, I have no plan to update the blog in the near future. Thank you for visiting.


Live like immortals!! Life's too short. Don't sweat the small stuffs! It's all small stuffs. Have plenty of fun memories in life. Use fun memories to squeeze out all the bad memories. Live healthy, even if you have deadly ailment(s). It's the mental attitude that's going to set you free. If you belive in after life that you will be a free spirit, why not be one now. Seek the ultimate inner peace. Do what you need to do, be the one you want to be, have everything you deserve and could afford and leave the rest alone, then life will fall into its own order. This is what I believe and want to believe.....

試著活得像神仙吧!人生苦短,何必為小事煩惱。沒有什麼大不了的事。讓生命充滿愉快的回憶。再用愉快的回憶把痛苦的記憶擠掉。就算你身罹多種重症,也要健康的過日子。你的正面的人生態度,會讓你免於精神的痛苦。如果你相信死後靈魂會無居無束,為何不現在就無居無束. 尋求最終心靈的安祥. 作你該作的事,當你想當的人。擁有所有你想要而且付得起的東西,其它的就任其自然。這樣生命就自然有其秩序。這是我想要的生命以及我所相信的人生哲理.

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