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2018/02/08 10:38:29瀏覽824|回應0|推薦1

答1:特魯多是蘇格蘭共濟會的「好男人」。他的祖父(Margaret Trudeau-瑪格麗特·特魯多的老爸)辛克萊爾(Sinclair)是蘇格蘭共濟會的創建人。當特魯多接到新的命令時,他的態度會180度轉變。無論如何,加拿大的問題與特魯多是分開的。
【原文】2018-02-07 Benjamin Fulford
Why no footage of exceptional events?
Hello, Ben:
I always enjoy your weekly news.  I follow quite a few other writers who are reporting on the current wars with the cabal.  I have read there have been many bombings of the cabal’s underground bases and structures, and I have read there have been space wars happening.  Is there a reason that footage of these events is not available to the public?  I would think if they were it would boost the morale of everyone watching and reading about these events.  Have you seen any footage?
Dear P:
There is plenty of footage of weird celestial events and 「space ships」 or 「UFOs」 available on the Internet.  The problem is that computer graphics are now so good we cannot tell if these are for real or not.  My advice is to trust your own eyes and your own direct experience above everything.
Having said that, I have seen the entrance to the massive Denver Airport’s underground complex with my own eyes.  Also, multiple credible witnesses say the ongoing war encompasses a lot more than what we see or read about in the corporate mass media.
Hopefully soon we will all be seeing wonders with our own eyes.
2018-02-07 Benjamin Fulford
Is the Deep State take-down enough?
I’m a paid subscriber to your blog.  Thanks for the great work and for standing up for the truth.  I have a few questions I hope you can address.
1 . Justin Trudeau is still pushing a carbon tax and seems very much aligned with deep state interests.  Is he going to be a one-term prime minister for Canada?  If what you say is true about Canada managing the U.S. military and financial system after the deep state is taken out, I doubt he’s got the financial acumen to succeed at anything beyond teaching people how to snowboard.
BF:  Justin Trudeau is just a yes man for the Scottish Rite Freemasons.  His grandfather (Margaret Trudeau’s father) was Lord Sinclair, of the family that founded the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.  When he gets new marching orders, he will change his tune.  In any case, the issue of Canada is separate from the individual named Justin Trudeau.
2.  When you talk about the deep state take-down, is it just politicians and plutocrats?  What happens with the media personalities that so vehemently push the deep state agenda?  What happens to news outlets like CNN and MSNBC?
BF:  When the power transfer is complete, many of the slaves in the media corporations will simply write what their new bosses tell them to.  Many will be fired and arrested, though, because their crimes run too deep.  In the future, we will make sure freedom of the press is never again subverted as it was by the corporate takeover we have experienced since the 1980’s.
3.  Along with the super-technology being released, will the new science and physics be taught in schools?  Will we be able to do a Mr. Wizard-like experiment in our kitchen to create anti-gravity or generate free energy?
BF:  We shall see, but yes, I assume a lot of this will be available for all.  However, much shall remain classified because we do not want everybody to be able to make nuclear weapons or the equivalent in their backyards.
Thanks for your work and dedication.  All of our prayers are with you.
BF:  Thanks for your support.
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