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2017/10/21 19:30:47瀏覽331|回應0|推薦3

《可薩暴徒開戰陰謀崩潰 特朗普金正恩風雲際會》
聲明中說,這個協議「得到了聯合國安理會第2231號決議的一致認可」。國際原子能機構多次通過其長期核查和監測計劃,證實伊朗遵守了『聯合全面行動方案(Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action-JCPoA)』。
消息人士稱:「好萊塢電影藝術與科學學院,以壓倒性多數投票結束了哈維.韋恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)的一項史無前例的舉動,甚至可能取消他的奧斯卡獎。」
消息說,此外,英國首相特蕾莎梅「可能會被迫撤銷哈維的大英帝國司令勳章(Commander of the Order of the British Empire-CBE)獎,和法國總統馬克龍可能排除他軍團榮譽。」
美國國安局拍了耶穌會前領導人彼得汗斯(Peter Hans Kolvenbach)的照片,他涉嫌2011年3月11日在福島發生的核災和海嘯大屠殺事件有關,當局視他為一個惡魔。如果教皇不公開並要求寬恕他的教會,他無疑就會成為大屠殺的兇手。因此,他會被懸賞以逮捕,讓正義得以伸張。是的,就是他,羅馬教皇弗朗西斯。
就在我們談到福島的時候,上週本筆者訪問了位於福島核電站20公里外的醫學博士木下弘勝(Hirokatsu Kinoshita)。木下弘勝專門研究癌症,他購買了先進的輻射儀表,他在海嘯和核事故後系統地測試了福島核電站的工人。
上週,在大西洋上的拉帕爾馬島(La Palma)發生的地震中,是一種溫和的提醒,即致力以結束可薩暴徒勢力的軍隊擁有巨大的力量。如果拉帕爾馬的地震導致岩石滑入海中,一場高達100米的海嘯將襲擊美國東海岸和歐洲南部海岸。
【原文】2017-10-16 Benjamin Fulford
Summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un Being Negotiated as Khazarian Mafia Attempts to Start War Fail
The Khazarian mafia’s rule by murder, blackmail, bribery, and propaganda is being systematically dismantled in ways that can no longer be denied.
These fanatics, who wish to force human history down a path to destruction based on ancient books, have failed yet again in recent efforts to start World War 3.  This was seen in North Korea, in Kurdistan, and in Iran as their increasingly desperate gambits are checked at every corner.
In the case of Iran, U.S. President Donald Trump was threatened and blackmailed into renouncing the nuclear deal with Iran, but facing opposition from the military as well as top allies, all that Trump could do was to appease the Khazarians with bellicose rhetoric.
Even Trump’s rhetoric was met with a statement by the leaders of top U.S. allies the UK, Germany, and France contradicting Trump’s claims that Iran was breaking the nuclear deal.
The statement read in part that the deal 「was unanimously endorsed by the UN Security Council in Resolution 2231.  The International Atomic Energy Agency has repeatedly confirmed Iran’s compliance with the JCPoA through its long-term verification and monitoring programme.」
In other words, they were telling Trump not to start a war based on lies.  This is something I have never seen the like of in many years of watching diplomatic statements.
In fact, the only country to support Trump’s bellicose rhetoric was the rogue Khazarian slave state of Saudi Arabia.  In any case, Saudi Arabia’s satanic rulers are about to lose their main protector, as Israeli police close in on satanic pseudo-Jewish Israeli leader Benyamin Netanyahu.
The attempts by the Khazarians to use North Korea to start World War 3 are also failing.  Last week two senior Japanese politicians made a secret visit to North Korea to negotiate a summit meeting between Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un when Trump visits Asia in November, according to a source close to the Japanese imperial family.
This meeting, if it takes place (a final decision is still pending), would presumably pave the way for a peace agreement, as well as a reunion of the Korean peninsula. However, an even bigger announcement than this could also be in work.
According to leading sources from the Pentagon and Asian secret societies, a decision is being taken at the highest level to establish a de facto world government. This would not be the khazar plan for a totalitarian New World Order controlled by khazar bandits. Instead, it would involve a democratic transformation of the existing international architecture so that true world peace and prosperity would be possible for the first time in human history.
Henry Kissinger is definitely involved in these discussions as he commutes secretly between China, the US and elsewhere, with a sort of high-ranking task, several sources agree. Last week, the White House issued a press release after Kissinger Trump met for the third time this President was elected. It reads in parts (in the usual swollen prose kissingers) as follows:
"I am here at a time when the opportunity is great to build a constructive, peaceful world order. And the President goes on a trip to Asia, which I think will make a great contribution to progress and peace and prosperity. "
Asian secret societies confirm that the Chinese government is also discussing a new world system at its major congress, which is held every five years and is held on Wednesday.
The reason why such discussions take place at this time with great urgency is, of course, the de facto bankruptcy of the khazar-controlled regime in the ten-square-mile Washington DC. (not to be confused with the Republic of the United States of America).
The White Dragon Society has recommended the Asians not to allow the Khazars to threaten a comprehensive nuclear war in order to extort money needed to continue their criminal enterprise. They were told that the US military would never allow the Khazars to destroy the planet if the alternative is a plan to clean up the US and remove the criminals who have taken power there.
In any case, the removal of the Khazarian gangsters continues at an indisputable speed from all levels within the US. The most recent goal is Hollywood. So Pentagon sources summarize the action there:
"Hollywood is under a global attack after the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voted overwhelmingly to end Harvey Weinstein (HW) with an unprecedented move, and perhaps even to dismiss his Oscars," the sources say.
In addition, British Prime Minister Theresa May "might be forced to revoke HW's award as Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), and [French President Emmanuel] Macron to exclude him from the honorary legion when the FBI and the police of New York, London and France, "said the sources.
The public accusations against HW have "opened the door not only for women, but also men and children who have been raped, raped or harassed in Pedowood," they continue. In other words, the cleansing of Hollywood has just begun.
"Jewish preference is now history because HW was prevented from escaping from the US, and its naming society is likely to close as major studios, TV networks, talent agencies, Apple, Amazon, Goldman and Hedgefonds consider it to be toxic, put out a source.
"The Jewish Mafia is at an end, as the cultural war extends from Fake News to the NFL, to Hollywood, to the elite universities and to every level of Jewish power, as a prelude to mass arrests and global currency re-entry," the sources say.
The world economic system in any case needs a kind of reboot, whether the leaders of the world like it or not. As many top experts have pointed out, the Western financial markets have ceased to function as rational distributors of investment, and instead became advertising space for central banks' money-issuing machines.
No matter how khazarian-controlled, the central banks in private ownership try to deny reality, but reality always catches you and a kind of terrible market event is inevitable, even if the exact time can not be predicted.
China is also experiencing a real estate bubble that is worse than the Japanese bubble in the early 1990s. At the height of the Japanese bubble, house prices were 20 times a household's annual income.
In the top of Chinese cities, prices are now 50 to 100 times a year's income, which means that in some cases it would take 200 years to pay off the debts, even if 50% of the income was spent on the loan. In Japan, commercial real estate prices fell to a twentieth of their peak.
China, with its stagnating population growth and large growth in new housing stock, will have to deal with a worse situation, whether it wants or not.
In other words, a complete restart of the economic system, accompanied by a year of abolition - a one-off depreciation of all debts and revaluation of the assets - is necessary to repair the situation.
For this to happen, however, men with weapons will probably be needed to remove the upper classes of the Khazarian Mafia control in the P2 Freemasonry in Italy and the Zionist headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. A good place to start would be the most visible P2 leader, Pope Francis.
The NSA has taken pictures of the former top jesuite Peter Hans Kolvenbach, claiming the fame for the nuclear and tsunami mass murder event on March 11, 2011 in Fukushima, claiming he was Satan. If the pope does not make it public and ask for forgiveness for his church, he becomes the compliment of a mass murder. As such, a reward is placed on his head to ensure that he is arrested and will learn justice. He is, Francis.
As we speak of Fukushima, last week this writer visited Hirokatsu Kinoshita, MD, PhD, which operates a clinic 20 kilometers from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Kinoshita, who specializes in cancer, purchased advanced radiation meters and systematically tested workers from the Fukushima power plant after the tsunami and nuclear incident.
He said that during his tests over two years, he has found no radiation or just a single person who has suffered from radiation poisoning. This is perfectly in line with the indications we have submitted to the competent authorities, which show that Fukushima was caused by nuclear devices sunk in the seabed off the coast.
It also means that the $ 190 billion spent by the Japanese government to "remove the radiation" was actually used as part of a massive bribery campaign by the khazar bandits to keep their marionettes in power in Japan. This can not go on without consequences.
A gentle note that the forces that have an end to the satanic-khazar rule have enormous power was given last week in the form of an earthquake swarm on the island of La Palma in the Atlantic. If earthquakes on La Palma cause a rock fall into the ocean, a 100-meter tsunami would hit the east coast of the US and South coast of Europe.
The same forces also demonstrated that they have the power to divide heavenly objects to earth, as the Chelyabinsk announced earlier-Meteor 2013. The NSA has the critical recordings of the warning communicated to the Gnostic Illuminati before this event.
As a final remark, Russian specialists have contacted the White Dragon Society to inform them that they have deployed a tactical nuclear weapon to blow up an illegal laboratory for nuclear weapons development in Accra / Ghana. This event was reported in the media as "explosion of a gas station".
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