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2018/03/19 17:15:17瀏覽173|回應0|推薦0


3月30日 耶穌受難節
3月31日 耶穌受難節翌日
4月2日 復活節星期一

假日從耶穌受難日的星期五到復活的星期一,讓許多人擁有一個四天的周末假期。 超過80萬香港基督教徒會在復活節參加教會活動。香港的教會種類眾多,從天主教到英國聖公會,到東正教到各種新教徒,應有盡有。星期日是一個重要的日子,許多家庭參加禮拜,然後聚集起來舉行一個大型的自助慶祝午餐。


Easter, also known as the Lord's Day of Resurrection, is an important festival for today’s Christians, originally on the day of or after the Jewish Passover, but the church meeting of the 4th century AD decided not to use the Jewish calendar, and set the first one after the equinox each year. on Sunday. Christians believe that Easter symbolizes rebirth and hope. It is a memorial to Jesus Christ's resurrection on the third day after his death in 30/33 AD.

March 30 Good Friday
March 31 Good Friday
April 2 Easter Monday

Holidays from Friday on Good Friday to the resurrected Monday have many people have a four-day weekend holiday. More than 800,000 Hong Kong Christians attend church activities at Easter. Hong Kong has a wide range of churches, from Catholicism to the Anglican Church of England to the Orthodox Church to various Protestants. Sunday is an important day. Many families attend the service and then gather to hold a large buffet lunch.

Just after the vernal equinox, this Sunday is Easter. In today's West, Easter is a major holiday after Christmas. From a religious point of view, Easter is even more weighty than Christmas. However, Easter has become today’s folklore. On this day, every household’s children will look for colored eggs. People will also give each other chocolate eggs (or candy-filled plastic eggs). Of course rabbit-shaped gifts (mostly chocolate)

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( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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